Thursday, 26 November 2015

Learning: A process

From the very first day we are born, we start to learn different things. We learn how to sit, how to stand up and eventually how to walk. We also learn how to speak the words and then sentences. By just observing our parents and the people around us, we learn our mother tongue so easily. We listen to them and see their reactions. What I am trying to say is that learning is a continuous process.

From the day we came on to this earth to the day we'd leave this world, we'd have been learned thousands of things. Human mind is always keen to know something new and is always curious about new things which he wants to learn. Whatever we observe in our day to day life, our mind analysis all the things and remembers everything. But after some days, we forget about it. Here comes practice and revision.

For long term memory, you need to do things again and again. For example, if you're playing a new game, it takes few minutes to get used to it. During that time, our mind learns how to play it. For perfection, practice is necessary. We have often felt difficulty with the things we do after many days. That's why repetition is must. Same applies for the study too. Most of us are students and we know that very well. But don't worry; I'm not going to get you bored by discussing it here. 

Now, back to the point, learning is a must for anyone. We all know that but we don't feel it. We do learn things eventually and have no idea about it. These are some basic things which we learn by just observing others and we become habituated to it. But we also should learn something which can be related to our passion and hobbies. That is why we say no one Is a born genius who knows everything right from their birth.

Many of us are afraid of learning new things. Most of the time, it's because we don't want to get pointed out for doing the wrong or fear of being judged. Some are afraid because they think that it's not their age to learn something. To learn anything, there is no age limit. Be enthusiast and keep learning new things. It will help us to enjoy the life. Every little thing we do; is a part of learning process. 

We always want to learn something but we don't have time for it. But in this digital era, you can easily learn anything by using internet. Learn the things you want and enjoy your journey. Keep learning, keep enjoying. Do try different things in life. That's what makes our life interesting.

I love cooking and I'm learning how to cook. What's your passion and what makes you feel happy? Find it out and start learning it. Right now is the time to learn something, to do something for you. 

Keep learning :)

Monday, 16 November 2015

How to cherish our life?

Hello friends! Welcome to my blog. May be you are not able to read my blog's title because it's in Gujarati. It's "jaakal bharyu moti" that is "a pearl filled with dew droplet". I'm very bad at giving my introduction but well, I'm Haresh, 19 years old, studying engineering at some unknown place in Gujarat. I created this blog to express my feelings on some issues and things. Actually, it was a mistake but then i decided to continue it and all the credit goes to +Sunita Behera She is the one who helped me out with my blog and also, she edited this post for me.Thank you so much Sunita. You can check her blog here. Also, I am highly inspired by the blogs i have mentioned on the right side in the section "My Bloglist' and they are writing goals :)
I'm bad at writing but still you're reading me xD Thanks :) Now, read my first blog post below. Hope you'll find it worth reading :D

What a normal human being wants in his life? There are many answers to this simple question but the most appealing and seems resonable one is to be happy. We all want to be happy. But now, the question is "how?"


 Some people find happiness in money, some in books (like me xD), or in any sport, or by doing any activities, some of us are crazy behind music and the list is so on. The definition for Happiness is different for everyone but the point is everyone wants to be happy. It is not possible for everyone to achieve what they want in their life even if they've tried their best to have it. This makes them sad and depressed. so how to cherish yourelf in such situations?

First thing, love yourself. We often read or hear this two simple words. Whenever we fail in something, we start to hate ourselves. We think that we're not good enough but the real thing is that you've atleast tried and only then you've failed. There are many people out there who sit there and watch you, being not able to even try it. So love yourself for who you are.

Image: Google

Second, whatever the condition, always remember that it won't be there forever. Happiness and sadness are two sides of the coin of life. Learn how to deal with both. During good days, don't forget that there can be sadness at any moment and during bad time, there can be happiness the next moment, who knows? So just enjoy this moment you're living in. No one knows, when the situation  changes.

Most of the time, we're sad beacause of the things that didn't happened actually. For example, we're happy for some reason and suddenly a thought comes to our mind about loosing that reason. This will make you worried about it and thus only you ruined that precious moment in thinking of how to keep it instead of enjoying it.

Also, we don't really observe small things that can make us happy. Like, if we went for picnic, instead of enjoying the view, we starts to click the pics so that we can save it for later. Come on, who knows what will happen the next moment! You can have this moment only. Past is unchangeable and future can't be predicted. So, enjoy it fully and be happy with what you have instead of complaining about the things you don't own.

Life is a journey; enjoy it without thinking of the destination. Cherish each and every second of it and if you can't find anything to celebrate, create the reasons :D